Saturday, November 19, 2011

What round in boxing is there most likely to have a knock out?

I need to know what round in boxing is someone most likely to get knocked out on average?

It is a heavy weight boxing match.|||8

|||Depends how warmed up u r,some guys have gone down in the first few seconds.I'd say round 6/7 as your a lot more tired legs aren't as fresh.But yh just depends on how warmed up u r,u tend to see fighters getting knkd out early but then coming back strong and continuing the fight.

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|||perfect fight to watch to back me up is manny packiaow vs marqeuz youl no wat me taLKING ABOUT

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|||It all depends on the fighter. You can have a fighter like Mike Tyson who came into the ring to knock you out in the first round. I would have to say on average it would be around the 6 or 7 round.|||I would say the first round. Many fighters come out not warmed up and get caught with a big punch that will hurt them in the first round . This punch later in the fight after being warmed up will be absorbed much better.

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