Friday, December 2, 2011


When did boxing become a sport?|||Boxing was a sport in ancient Greece during the Hellenistic period.|||airbob is correct.|||for a long time dude.|||boxing has been around for centuries ..bare fist boxing..some of the old boxing contests could go on for over 100 rounds but lord queensbury changed the rules ..and they are still in force today...|||Well the first records of it go back to Mesopotamia, over 4000 years ago, actually well before Ancient Greece. The Assyrians and Babylonians of Mesopotamia were the first.

Boxing became a big sport in England in the 18th and 19th Centuries, this was bare knuckle prize fighting. British fighters dominated for most of these two centuries, and most champs were British.

The Americans began to be successful in the late 19th Century, and gloves were worn from the late 19th century also.

Hope this helps.|||The word "boxing" was first used in England in the 18th century. In 1719,|||I believe this to be a question from ignorance rather curiousity.|||Sport ?? Jack Broughton introduced the science into boxing based on his skills as a Fencer. Fencing and Boxing use the same moves. If you remove the "weapon" from Fencing you can see the moves are scientific and the same. Broughton also introduced rules, the precusser to the Marquess of Queensbury.

Muhammad Ali being the finest example of a scientific boxer who had the brains to apply his skills.|||It has always been.

To my extent of knowledge, I don't think boxing was first designed for combat purposes.

The combat bit was probably adopted at a later stage.

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